6AM - 12 PM
12PM - 5PM
5PM - 8PM
8PM - 11PM
11PM - 12AM

12AM - 1 AM
5AM - 11AM
11AM - 12PM
1PM - 2PM
3PM - 6:30PM
6:30PM - 9:00PM
9PM - 11PM
11PM - 2AM


In The Spirit
Sunday School
Franchise Mix
The Gentle Touch
Sunday Night Mix


Midnight Madness
360 In The Morning
The Caribbean Link
Please Delete This
The Franchise Report
Monday Mood
Takeover Mondays
Street Heat

The Original T.O.
Shaun Supreme, J Smooth
DJ Franchise
DJ hooks
Nyce Hitz

DJ Lefty
DJ Franchise, MSC
DJ Matik
PDT Podcast
DJ Franchise, Big Walt
DJ Just1
Nyce Hitz
DJ Boom

Keiley Thompson
360 Director

Ryan Jones
360 Music Director 360md@wbru.com

The rest of the 360° crew, students & community DJs (see all of our community DJs on our DJ tab!) <3

WBRU has struggled with institutional racism throughout its history and is committed to dismantling how white supremacy has structured the organization as a whole in the past. Now, WBRU is committed to growing and learning in its work to create an actively inclusive environment for all members, current and future.

website designed and developed by Utkan Dora Öncül and Asher White






WBRU RADIO (Alternative)

360 (R&B/hip-hop)